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Can you start your business if receiving unemployed benefits?

While losing a job can be one of the most devastating moments, you may be working on your business idea. It grants you more time to analyse the success scope in business. Alongside, you may be receiving unemployment benefits to survive through the phase. You can only claim the benefits until 188 days (almost 6 …

5 Ways to Save Money and Build Wealth

Do you wish to save money and prosper? If so, you can take a couple of steps to start. Fortunately, it’s easier than you may believe! Making a budget plan and sticking to it is important to saving money and building wealth. You need to know how you will spend your money before you invest …

Are debt consolidation loans the right fit for bad credit people?

Is it possible to get loans to handle debts when credit scores are not perfect? It will depend on the individual situation and the type of lender you will find. Therefore, you cannot get an answer to this question in the form of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. You have to study your financial situation first. It …

Henley Christmas Fair: Why Would You Definitely Pay a Visit

That thin ray of light becoming a bright sun at the day: That’s Christmas. Every year, its spirit brings forth this brightness at the 25th of December. And with the Lord, there comes light. With the light, it is bound that colours will emerge. Consider these festivals and fairs as these colours. It is sure …