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Summer vacation
Anna Johnson July 18, 2024

How to spend summer vacations without exceeding the budget?

Kids just love everything about summer vacations. It could be the freedom to skip that classroom, play or engage in adventurous stuff. They would love to fulfil their dreams of excursions. However, as parents, the budget may affect the vibe. It may lead to downsizing or wait for the apt movement. Besides, there is nothing …

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Manage bills
Anna Johnson July 11, 2024

Efficient ways to manage bills and build savings

Oftentimes, a small cash crunch arises just when you lack sufficient funding. These might be a coincidence in your case or could be a common phenomenon when you have zero financial preparations. If you avoid it, the problem might become grave. For example, It has been a while since you launched your venture. However, because …

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Capital tax
Anna Johnson July 10, 2024

How can capital gains tax be avoided on the second home?

Having multiple properties makes one think about planning the capital gains tax. You may want to sell your second home to buy a new property or fund your retirement. Whatever the goal, paying the capital gains tax is challenging. It is a huge amount to settle before selling the second home.   However, most experts …

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Manage you income
Anna Johnson July 4, 2024

Managing Irregular Incomes for Performing Artists

Artists often face money troubles. Their income can be unpredictable. One month may bring lots of work and pay. The next could mean no jobs or income at all. This up-and-down pattern makes budgeting tough. Many artists take side jobs to even out their cash flow. Waiting tables, rideshare driving, or temporary work brings in …

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Growing wealth
Anna Johnson July 3, 2024

Money Moves for Urban Farm Owners: Growing Wealth

City farming is booming. Growing food in towns means fresh veggies and green profits. As cities get crowded, people want locally grown, healthy foods. Smart urban farmers turn vacant lots into gardening gold mines. Urban farming isn’t just about crops. It’s a money-making business, too. Selling harvests at farm markets, food co-ops, or straight-to restaurants …

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Start up loans
Anna Johnson July 2, 2024

How Do Start-up Loans Ensure Bad Credit People to Start Their Business?

Aspiring to own a business is the right of everyone. Doing a job for someone else for a long period can become boring for you. Of course, you cannot live with a limited monthly salary in your whole life. The situation worsens when you suddenly lose your job, and your bank account prevents you from …

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