A credit score can make it or break it when it comes to getting a loan signed off on at affordable interest rates, but sometimes, it is not a bad credit rating that puzzles your mind. When you have too much debt, even though you have been paying it off on time, you may start to feel worried about your actions. You would not want to do anything that will harm your credit rating.
A number of factors are out there, such as whether you can use alternatives to protect your credit score, but they are all not worth trying if your score is already bad. The damage is done. You cannot turn back the clock. What you can do is not to do anything that sounds like another turn of a screw.
The blog below describes some situations where people end up making wrong decisions that do more harm than good.
You have an excellent credit score but can only afford monthly payments
A very good credit rating is not sufficient to get the nod for a loan at an affordable interest rate. Your lender will look over your complete profile. How much debt you owe, the credit utilization ratio, how much you earn, what kinds of debts you owe, everything serves as an important basis for a lender to decide whether or not to approve your application.
Because you have a very good credit rating, you may have some useful methods to deal with your debt. For instance, you can refinance some of your loans to reduce the interest you pay. If it is a credit card debt, a 0% balance transfer can be an alternative. Consolidation is also a great option. After using these options, you will see the balance significantly drops.
However, you may wonder about such payment arrangement plans a lender would not offer you because you can still afford minimum payments, or if they did, you would lose your credit score.
Well, before arriving at a conclusion, it is always suggested that you explore all available options. If such arrangement plans help you save a lot of money on interest payments, it is a wise move.
You have a good credit score, but credit card debt is high
Although you have not missed payments, it is worrying that your credit card debt is going up. Looking at your situation, a lender might state that you are only staying afloat. You cannot actually afford your debt payments. Because your credit card debt is going up, the size of the minimum payment will also go up. Of course, you will end up paying more money to clear your credit card dues. Soon, you will find yourself in debt.
Remember that even if you still manage to clear your dues, the increasing balance will start reflecting on your credit report. When the credit utilization ratio is high, your credit score will badly go down. If your debt starts to whittle down, it will not let you borrow money at a lower interest rate because the damage is done.
Payment arrangements or a debt consolidation loan with bad credit from a direct lender may come in handy at this time. Most of the lenders do not approve consolidation loans when your credit rating is poor, and if you manage to get approval for these loans, they will affect your credit score. No matter which option you choose, you are not going to pay any less interest. So, you have to make a choice whether to do it now or struggle for months and accumulate debt, which takes much longer time to pay off.
You cannot pay more on credit card debt because your mortgage down payment will reduce
You have several credit cards, and now your balance is going up. Of course, your credit score will be bad because of a high credit utilization ratio, even if you have been paying off debt on time so far. The impact will be even worse if you have missed a few payments. It is always suggested you clear the dues before the grace period ends.
Because of a high credit card balance, your creditor may ask you to pay more than the minimum payment. Not to mention, the minimums will go up when your balance goes up. A payment arrangement can be a good alternative, but you might be worried about losing your credit score, and this will reduce your chances of qualifying for a mortgage at affordable rates. Paying more than the minimum payments also means your deposit size will shrink. A higher mortgage amount will make it all the harder to get the nod from a lender.
Well, you need to be realistic. Even though you do not pay more, fearing that your deposit size will decrease, it is going to happen anyway. The credit card debt will continue to go up, and, as a result, the minimum payments will continue to rise. In the end, your money will be diverted from the down payment to credit card payments.
Out of fear, you can make some irrational decisions. They will take a toll on your credit rating down the line. Instead, you should talk to your credit card company to learn what options you have to take to deal with this situation. Get advice about a debt management plan.
To sum up
Sometimes, you make wrong decisions, fearing that your credit score will be badly affected. Instead, you should explore all possible options. Because 10-minute loans with no credit checks are easily available, for example, it does not mean that they are the best way to deal with your current problems.
Anna Johnson has more than 11 years of experience in direct lending industry of the UK. She is the Senior Content Editor at 24cashflow where she is leading a large team of loan experts. During her career, she has helped the loan aspirants to use the particular loans in the best way and improve their financial lives and status.
Anna Johnson is known for her in-depth research of the UK loan marketplace, as she has worked with many major lending firms in her career. During her educational phase, she has done a research on ‘Finance Fundamentals for Growing Business’.