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The secret price battle – Online vs in-store shopping

With the amplified popularity of online shopping trends, you can hardly beat the urge to search for and purchase things virtually. Buying or borrowing cannot get more convenient than this. Does that mean the end of the in-store shopping era? Surprisingly, offline shopping is not still out of the game. You will also accept it …

5 Easy-to-follow tips for buying your first car

Buying a car is the most precious moment for any individual. It is a milestone that one plan and works to achieve it. Thus, there is no other car like your first car. Apart from giving you freedom, it packs small happiness and moments with your loved ones. It’s an emotion. Thus, you must be …

7 great financial habits everyone should adopt

Everybody who wishes to build a safe future and steady financial resource requires excellent financial planning. If you keep misusing your money, you face difficulties paying your expenses or sustaining your desired lifestyle. Being responsible with your money helps to keep an account of your expenses. It also allows you to maintain a strict budget …