No one can better help you manage your money than yourself. The idea of stashing away money seems intimidating, especially when you find no room to cut back on your expenses. While financial experts suggest at least three months’ worth of your living expenses, you often find yourself in the red.
Whether you like it or not, building a nest egg paves the way for financial freedom, and it is apparent to be tight-fisted to have more and more money in your hand. If living paycheck to paycheck is the reason why you are unable to lay aside for a rainy day, you should find ways to increase your income.
You should get a side gig if you cannot get a full-time job with higher pay. Even though you earn little money, you can avoid taking out loans for bad credit in the UK from a direct lender every time you need money to meet unforeseen expenses.
Expenses that you can whittle down to save money
Just earning more money is not a solution to your financial problems unless you change your spending habits. Revise your budget and see where your money goes. You will likely find a lot of inessential expenses or overspending that you can cut out. The following expenses can show up in your budget:
- Subscription services
It is just a paltry sum. What a big deal! The fact is that it quickly adds up when you club all subscription charges. Look over your bank statement and list out all services you have subscribed to – streaming, magazine, donation, etc.
Ask yourself if you actually need that service. Magazine subscriptions are simply a waste of money. There is no point in donating money if it is blowing up your budget. Evaluate the value you obtain from streaming services. If you watch your favourite series once in a blue moon or when you feel like a good series is streaming, you should subscribe only at that time. As that series is over, you should cancel the auto-debit payments.
You might not be able to see their impact on your budget soon, but over time, it will add up to quite a good amount of money. Whatever amount you save by cancelling subscription services should straightaway go into your savings account every month.
- Dine out less
It is not necessary to completely ban eating out, but excessive takeaways and dine-out will quickly drain your money. You should take a look at your bank statement to check how many times you have ordered from a restaurant.
Do not forget that it will be missing takeaways for what you paid in cash. If you feel that you are spending too much money on food, you should trim it down. They could be one of the reasons for you being unable to meet your financial goals.
You can avoid excessive spending on food if you plan your meals. Stop ordering coffee from a restaurant. Prepare meals at home. You will be surprised to know that this helps save you a lot of money. Prepare a weekly menu and buy the groceries you need to cook them.
Some items, like spices, toiletry products, and the like, can be bought in large amounts to help save money. Try to buy groceries from a local store that offers you special discounts. Some stores choose a weekday to sell groceries at lower prices. You can do some shopping after office hours.
- Reduce debt
One of the biggest reasons for having little or no savings is an inordinate amount of debt. It is easy to get carried away by a luxurious lifestyle, but you should cut your coat according to your clothes. There are circumstances when you feel the need to borrow money, and that is OK.
Relying on debts for your regular expenses is not good at all. In fact, you should be able to dip into your savings to meet unexpected expenses. If you owe too much debt, you should try to reduce it and stick to your payment plan unless they are all cleared.
In the event of multiple loans, you should try to consolidate them into one large loan to make payments more manageable. For instance, if you have bad credit loans, credit card bills and quick business loans with no credit checks, you can consolidate them into one large personal loan. As you will be paying down the debt over a period of months, you can quickly get rid of debt.
- Cut back on impulse shopping
You will have to work on your shopping habits. Impulse buying is the biggest reason for racking up debt. A rule of thumb says that you should never buy things you do not need or you do not plan. There is no point in going window shopping if you cannot resist buying shoes that you do not need.
The same rule applies when you shop for groceries. Make a list at home of things you want to buy. This will prevent you from putting everything – that you do not even need – into your basket. Only if you are mindful of your spending can you save a considerable amount of money.
For things like footwear and apparel, you should follow the rule of 48 hours to ensure that you are not buying it in a moment of excitement. The best thing is to make a list of items you want to buy, and before going shopping, review it and ask yourself if you still need those things. Amazingly, you will find your list shrinking.
The final word
Savings are extremely crucial if you do not want to end up being up to your ears in debt. When you have a sinking fund to fall back on, you can quickly meet your unforeseen expenses. Do not forget that savings are paramount for your retirement life as well.
Create a budget, set financial goals and draw a plan to achieve them. Try to invest your savings as well so you can protect your money from inflation.

Anna Johnson has more than 11 years of experience in direct lending industry of the UK. She is the Senior Content Editor at 24cashflow where she is leading a large team of loan experts. During her career, she has helped the loan aspirants to use the particular loans in the best way and improve their financial lives and status.
Anna Johnson is known for her in-depth research of the UK loan marketplace, as she has worked with many major lending firms in her career. During her educational phase, she has done a research on ‘Finance Fundamentals for Growing Business’.