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Everything you should know about doorstep loans

Doorstep loans, also known as home collection loans, are small loans that you borrow to fund unforeseen expenses in case you do not have savings to fall back on. These loans can be applied by anyone, mostly common among the unemployed, and, unlike other loans, involve a meeting with one of the representatives of a …

8 Budgeting Tips for a ‘Home Owner’ to Avoid Being a ‘Home Poor’

Your journey to own your first home is far from over after moving in. The financial responsibility increases with numerous additional costs added to your budget. Homeowners often find it intimidating to change their lifestyle to manage the cost of living in their house. The list of house-related expenses will include mortgage repayment, house maintenance, …

Is ‘save now and buy later’ a better alternative for you?

You might be wondering if it is a new payment option like buy now and pay later. Surprisingly, you are right and this concept can make a difference in your life. It talks about having enough money first before going ahead to sponsor big purchases. If you want to pursue this way of living, create …

Financial Challenges and Opportunities for Gig Workers

The gig economy offers us the freedom to choose when and where to work. Finances. Yeah, it’s a bit of a roller coaster for gig workers. Sometimes the money flows in, and other times it’s more of a trickle. So, addressing financial challenges? That’s a big deal. Here’s why: So, as we navigate this realm …

Long term loans vs short term loans – which are better?

Personal loans are the most convenient loans when you need a chunk of money without further ado. These loans are not subject to collateral, and the processing does not take too much time; the approval of these loans is faster. When you apply for a small loan like an urgent doorstep loan, you will be …