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Financial mistakes that almost all women make and ways to avoid them

While some people are blessed with an uncanny ability to make their money work for them, others struggle to get the basics right. Financial matters are complicated and many of you refuse to face up to them. According to the latest research, the average debt per adult continues to pose a threat to their financial …

Are PCPs responsible for throwing borrowers into a debt spiral?

Hire purchase (HP) and personal contract purchase (PCP) are two types of car finance deals available from car dealers. While you have an option to take out an auto loan from a direct lender, people are becoming keener on preferring PCP to any other types of financing deals. The most common reason is that it …

5 Major Bad Credit Startup loans risks and Ways to Manage Them

As per Nibusinessinfo, “risks refer to the viability of a business. It refers to the ability to turn a profit and cover operating expenses like salaries, rent, office expenses, and production costs.” It is the reason around 60% of startups fail in the first 3 years. Even though many new unicorns buzzing around the country, …